![Las Doilies De Los Muertos [Day of the Dead Doilies] 2014–18](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ad6977ec258b42f5565202f/1738219286031-PYE30YIE6429JLA6PGEV/4.LouiseSAXTON_LasDoiliesDeLosMuertos_2014-18.jpg)

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Pearl (after Vermeer c.1665) 2017-18
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, beading pins, cotton-velvet, nylon tulle, on archival mount-board
H90 x W120 x D5 cm (framed)
Lover’s Eye (after Vermeer c.1665) 2018-19
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, beading pins, cotton-velvet, nylon tulle, on archival mount-board
H90 x W120 x D5 cm (framed)
Rest-aura 2022
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, nylon tulle
H194 x W97 x D5 cm (framed)
*Can be hung vertically or horizontally
Coral Amber 2020-21
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, nylon tulle, plaster bandage, muslin, edging-lace, antique silk fringe, vintage dressmakers’ mannequin, embroidery hoop, antique French chandelier with Venetian glass beads, stainless steel wire, marine swivel and hook
H227.0 x W45.0 cm at shoulder, W50.0 cm at base
Four Moons – Screen 2018
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, nylon tulle, vintage hospital screen c.1940
H172 x W228 x D4 cm
Coral Dolores 2020-21
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, nylon tulle, edging-lace, antique silk fringe, vintage dressmaker’s mannequin, vintage ceramic and Lucite flower arrangement
Artwork: H170.0 x W36.0 cm at shoulder, W50.0 cm at base
Floor plinth: 85.0 x 130.0 cm
Sampler 2018
Pigment print on archival cotton rag paper
H110 x W250 x D5cm (framed)
Pincushion Pagoda 2019-21
Reclaimed vintage milliner’s mannequin, gouache, needlework, lace-pins, beading-pins, beaded fascinator, hand-made native flower jewellery, pincushions, buttons, beads, antique foot stool
H58.0 x W33.0 x D26.5.0 cm
Lady Bric-a-brac 2021
Reclaimed milliner’s mannequin, gouache, glass beads, found haberdashery objects, vintage crochet, costume jewellery, shell, hat pins, hair comb, Chinese silk pincushion, antique Russian tassel beading-pins, feather, vintage biscuit-tin, glass dome
H39.0 x W17.0 x D17.0 cm
Including glass dome: 55 x 33 cm
Belle’s Epoque 2021
Reclaimed velour mannequin, antique and vintage needlework, beaded embroidery, beading-pins, gouache, vintage foot stool
H47.0 x W30.0 x D30.0 cm
Blue Barnacle 2019-21
Reclaimed milliner’s mannequin, gouache, vintage embroidery, glass beaded fringing, glass-headed pins, beading-pins, antique doily stand, glass dome
H32.0 x W29.0 x D29.0 cm
Including glass dome: 46.0 x 38.0 cm
Buddha’s Babies 2021
Reclaimed milliner’s mannequin, gouache, vintage silk pincushions & extracted vintage & new silk pincushion ‘babies’, silk braid, glass-headed pins, beading-pins, Chinese embroidery in frame, silk Japanese temple gong cushion, silk braid
Hand-crafted cabinet (Spotted-gum, glass, museum mountboard) & plinth by Macka –
Cabinet: H65.5 x W55.0 x D55.0 cm
Plinth: H90 x W60 x D60 cm
Poppy’s Pouffe 2019-21
Reclaimed milliner’s mannequin, gouache, needlework-tapestry, glass-head pins, beading-pins, braid, vintage foot stool
H52.0 x W28.0 x D25.5 cm
Vanitas #3 - The Storyteller 2015
Reclaimed needlework, silk and beading pins on museum board
H98 x W92 x D5 cm (framed)
Wild, Gould Galleries, Melbourne, 12 November - 5 December 2015;
From the Bower - patterns of collecting in the works of Loris Button, Deborak Klein, Louise Saxton and Carole Wilson, Warnambool Art Gallery, 18 March - 12 June 2017, Art Gallery of Ballarat, 29 July - 17 September 2017
Winter Blue 2020-21
Reclaimed needlework, beading-pins on museum board
H22 x W22 x D3 cm (framed)
Lilac Light 2020-21
Reclaimed needlework, beading-pins on museum board
H22 x W22 x D3 cm (framed)
John and Lucy 2014 (after Thomas Edwards 1825)
Reclaimed needlework, silk fringing, lace pins, beading pins, on museum board
H93 x W87 x D5 cm (framed)
Silhouette, Red Gallery, North Fitzroy, 24 September - 11 October 2014:
Wild, Gould Galleries, Melbourne, 12 November - 5 December 2015:
Superlatives, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, Boston, USA 2016
Domed Lace 2 - Coral 2018
vintage edging lace, paper tags, cotton thread in Victorian glass domes
Base: H 32.5 x W 19.5 x 4.0 cm, Glass: 44.0 x 30.5 x 17.5 cm
The Linen Project, Town Hall Gallery, Hawthorn, 27 October - 16 December 2019;Louise Saxton: The Linen Project, Wangaratta Art Gallery, 9 February - 31 March 2019
Domed Lace 1 – Sediment 2018
antique Mechlin lace, paper tags, cotton thread in Victorian glass domes
Dome 1: Base 3.5 x 24 cm, Glass: 51.0 x 20.0 cm
The Linen Project, Town Hall Gallery, Hawthorn, 27 October - 16 December 2019;Louise Saxton: The Linen Project, Wangaratta Art Gallery, 9 February - 31 March 2019
Swathe 2016
Vintage table linens and cotton bed sheeting, cotton thread, acrylic batons
960.0 x 220.0 cm installation variable
The Linen Project, Town Hall Gallery, Hawthorn, 27 October - 16 December 2019;Louise Saxton: The Linen Project, Wangaratta Art Gallery, 9 February - 31 March 2019
White Lotus 2008
Reclaimed needlework, lace-pins, nylon tulle
H136 x W118 x D5 cm
Linen Draw 2018
200 vintage and antique doilies, cotton thread, lace-pins, nylon tulle, acrylic rods, wooden floor-plinths
H307 x W482 x D2 cm
White Work 2017
Vintage & antique Huckaback towelling, cotton sheeting, cotton thread, wall-pins
28 individual pieces - Installation variable
Las Doilies De Los Muertos [Day of the Dead Doilies] 2014–18
Hand-cut doilies, cotton thread, cotton velvet, synthetic fringing, wall pins
H100 x W436 x D2 cm (installation variable)
Pillow Talk 2017–18
Vintage and antique table-linens, linen offcuts, cotton thread (installation variable)